Guide to driving based on the stages of diagnosis of obstructive sleep Apnoea(OSA)
If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea which affects your ability to drive safely or diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) you must tell the DVLA. Typically the sleep clinic or sleep consultant you are under will ask you to stop driving until they are content that your treatment has your sleepiness under control. Once they are happy it is safe to drive again you will need to notify the DVLA.
However, if you are suffering from excessive sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome is suspected you must not drive until reviewed by your consultant.
Lastly if you haven't seen a medical professional about your sleepiness during waking hours we recommend you visit your GP with the Epworth sleepiness scale or stopbang test results so you can get a referral to a sleep clinic for assessment. The key here is, only drive if you feel fit and well enough to.
You can inform them online by completing form SL1 for motorcycle or car licences or if you have a bus, coach, taxi or lorry licence it's a slightly different form - SL1V. Just click on the right icon for you here:
Note - These forms are generic for sleeping related medical conditions which includes narcolepsy and cataplexy too.
The only further variance is motorcycle and car drivers with OSA or OSAS you will be required to be reviewed in clinic every three years to confirm your condition is under control and that you are safe to drive. Whereas taxi, coach and lorry drivers hold a group 3 licence which requires an annual review, but this can be on the phone not in person depending on your consultants judgement. Furthermore if you suspect you have OSA or OSAS and you rely on this for income or are disabled and need it for transport you are able to request that your GP mentions this in referral for a fast tracked appointment as per NICE guidelines.
Furthermore if you suspect you have OSA or OSAS and you rely on this for income or are disabled and need it for transport you are able to request that your GP mentions this in referral for a fast tracked appointment as per NICE guidelines.
Lastly the governments leaflet for their campaign tiredness can kill
can be found here, informing the public on the dangers of driving while tired with sleep apnoea.
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