Snorgo is not a device to wear at night to ease symptoms. It is used to help you undertake an exercise that specifically targets muscles to prevent snoring. Snorgo is a patent pending device developed in the UK by the Sonaids’ team.
Snorgo has been specifically designed to support this process and has been independently medically tested with amazing results for those who are prepared to put in just a few minutes of exercise each day for a couple of months.
Snoring can have significant impacts on sufferers, their partners and their families.
Do I have to wear anything at night?
No – Snorgo is only used for a few minutes each day at a time to suit you. We advise three sets of 3 exercises each day. These only take few minutes in total.
No – Snorgo is only used for a few minutes each day at a time to suit you. It is really great news that a product now exists that means you don’t need to go to bed at night looking like Hannibal Lecter. The exercise is really simple and virtually anyone can do it. We advise three sets of 3 exercises each day. These only take few minutes in total.